Pubblicato in: Shadow & Art Box Frames

Finding Dreams In A Shadow Box: A Little Cow Grazes On Abloom Meadows

Shadow Box Nr. 2.


Some beautiful soft felt sheets in yellow, green and blue, a tiny hand painted vase with two paper sunflowers, a nice jute string and a green silk ribbon, a yellow felt decoration and a blend of jute, a small wooden fence and the amazing little cow – handmade by Silvia – in white, rosa and brown soft felt: what an idea for the unique Being Tati‘s birthday gift!

First of all I need a sheet of white paper and a soft pencil to draw the different templates of the shining sun, the blooming meadow and the three vaporous clouds; the scissors to cut them properly; the colourful soft felt sheets to be shaped up according to the paper templates; the vinyl glue and a flat brush to spread on an adequate glue measure to paste the sun, a cloud and the meadow to the shadow box front side.  I let them dry for at least six hours.

With the hot-glue gun – I assemble and hot-glue the other elements: two thin strings on the rear side of the clouds to hang them up; the fence and the blend of jute; the vase and its decorations.  To secure the little cow I use a L-shaped piece of wood, stitched on its back and glued on the SB-bottom.


Little Cow by Silvia on


Anche un bradipo può scendere dal suo albero, se adulato! Chi va piano va... sempre piano, ma almeno non ruzzola! (brad-ipse dixit)

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