Pubblicato in: Save The Date

Monday, 2nd January 2017 will be Happy Meow Year Day For Cats !


Cats will tell you that they consider themselves to be far, far superior to all hoomans.  They most certainly feel entitled and deserving of all that life has to offer, so why not have a Happy Meow Year Day For Cats?


The History of Happy Meow Year Day.

Happy Meow Year Day For Cats was created by  So why couldn’t they have their own little celebration?  Cats are graceful, magnificent, superb, cuddly, fluffy, regal and, all around, fabulous, so why shouldn’t they have their own version of New Year’s?

More info on


(Fonts: thanks to Pinterest for the images and to for the text)


Anche un bradipo può scendere dal suo albero, se adulato! Chi va piano va... sempre piano, ma almeno non ruzzola! (brad-ipse dixit)

30 pensieri riguardo “Monday, 2nd January 2017 will be Happy Meow Year Day For Cats !

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    Keep up the hard work and stay focused
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    "Mi piace"

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